Hair problems may be varied. From hair loss to hair fall, from dandruff to rough and tangled hair – there are several problems that a person has to encounter when it comes to hair. However, hair care need not be difficult. With a little bit of care, proper diet and exercise, hair care can be made easy.
Hair loss is a natural biological process. Every human being loses about 100 hair strands every day. However, when this number reaches 200 or more, then there should be a cause for concern. Excessive hair fall, when left unchecked, can become permanent and lead to baldness.
Hair fall is common with aging. With age, hair follicles become weak and are unable to support hair growth. However, there are a couple of other reasons that can hasten the process of hair loss. These include medical conditions, genetics and excessive production of DHT – a hormone that leads to male pattern baldness.
Among women, there are several other reasons for hair loss. These include hormonal changes, genetic factors and environmental reasons. But there is a simple trick that can be done to not only arrest hair fall but also remove dandruff and dead cells. That is salt water. Salt water is nothing but salt mixed with water that can be used to rinse hair. Let us take a look at why and how salt water for hair can be beneficial.
How does salt help your hair?
Salt is a natural exfoliator. Salt water has several natural benefits. Here is a quick look at the various benefits of salt water:
- The salt crystals add extra body and volume to your hair and soothes dry and itchy scalp.
- Salt water also contains various minerals such as magnesium, potassium and selenium. These ensure that your hair receives extra nourishment. These minerals also cleanse the scalp totally.
- Salt also stimulates the blood flow into the scalp. Increased blood flow stimulates the scalp and allows hair to grow
- Sea water is also a natural shampoo. It helps hair to get rid of excess oil and sebum in the hair. This makes the scalp smoother and the hair less oily and non-greasy.
- Finally, salt water has an antibiotic effect on hair. It can be used to treat eczema and psoriasis. Salt also has a healing effect on cuts and abrasions.
Is salt water good for your hair?
Salt water is supposed to have several beneficial properties. If you are having common hair problems such as an anti-fungal infection, or oily scalp with excess sebum production, then saltwater can easily be used to get rid of the problem. Here are some of the common ways in which salt water is good for hair:
- A lot of women suffer from dry and itchy scalp. This happens especially when you are suffering from extremely dry hair. In some extreme cases, this might also lead to dandruff. Use salt water to not only add volume to your hair but also to gently nourish your dry scalp. People who are able to do this on a regular basis have better hair than those who do not do so.
- Another common problem related to dry skin is dandruff. This condition happens when flakes of dry and dead skin get entangled with hair. While this does not lead to any serious health consequences, it may sometimes be a cause of embarrassment. Saltwater is good for getting rid of dandruff.
- Salt, as mentioned before, also has anti-fungal properties and can kill germs that might have settled on your scalp. Salt water can get rid of dandruff in a jiffy.
- Salt water, alternatively, can be used for oily hair. Oily hair is one where there is excessive serum production. Salt cleanses the scalp out of the excess oil and makes your hair more manageable.
- Finally, salt water for hair loss is also considered to be a legitimate treatment, given other genetic factors are not involved.
How do I use Salt on my hair?

Salt is used in a variety of cosmetics for both skincare and haircare. Salt or sodium chloride is rich in minerals and various other nutrients that are great for treating hair fall, dandruff and oily hair. However, one needs to be careful about using salt for hair. Here are a few tips that can be kept in mind while using salt:
- Do not use too much salt as it might damage your scalp and hair. Also, wash your hair well with a mild shampoo or a conditioner to remove salt particles
- Many shampoos and conditioners may have Dead Sea salt or Pink Himalayan salt. These salts have a higher percentage of minerals and other nutrients. Such beauty products are highly recommended if you do not want to use direct salt grains on your scalp.
- You can also simply choose to use salt water to rinse your hair after bath. This is because of the fact that salt water fully dissolves salt particles and prevents them from injuring your skin while exfoliating it.
Can salt water treat dandruff?
Dandruff is a skin condition that affects the scalp region. Symptoms of dandruff include flaking of the skin, an itchy scalp, irritation and redness. A relatively harmless condition, dandruff, in some extreme cases may cause inflammation.
This condition is known as Seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff affects a large portion of the human population. One estimate suggests that it affects at least half of the adult male population. It usually starts with the onset of puberty and the severity is reduced after the age of fifty.
One great way of reducing dandruff or bringing dandruff under control is to use salt water. The salt present in the water gently exfoliates the skin, removing the dead skin that causes dandruff.
All you need to do is to put some water in boiling water and dissolve it completely. Then cool down the salt water and rinse your hair after shampooing. Finally use a conditioner to give your hair strands great shine and bounce.
Is Salt water effective for hair growth?
Salt is also an effective treatment against hair loss and general alopecia. Salt water for hair growth may be a usual treatment, but it is an effective one. After you have washed your hair you will need to put some salt in your palm and massage it gently on the skin.
This will increase the blood circulation, thereby making the scalp look healthy and fine. The increased blood circulation will prompt hair growth and prevent hair fall.
We have seen how salt water can help in hair growth and prevent hair fall. Salt, which is rich in minerals, is also a great exfoliator. This helps not only in hair fall but also with dandruff.
However, not all problems can be solved by this magic ingredient. For more holistic hair care, you need to come to Advanced Hair Studio, where our hair experts will guide you with the best possible hair treatment.