and read their opinion about Hair restoration and hair regrowth procedures of Advanced Hair Studio
Australian Cricket Legend
The decision for me to do something about my hair loss was simple. I didn’t want to go bald. So as soon as I started to lose my hair, I saw Advanced Hair Studio, and underwent therapy. My own hair is now growing again.
AFL Star
I was only 19 when I first noticed my hair was thinning. Being a young man, I didn’t want to go bald at such an early age. Now in my twenties and researching ways to Regrow my thinning hair, I met Carl Howell, founder of A.H.S and I’ve never looked back. Since the treatment started, I now have a full head of hair and feel more confident and happier.
Actress & TV Personality
My hair is always on show and Advanced Hair Studio have the best Flashpoints® hair extension that totally transformed my hair life.
Indian Cricketer
After six long years, I eventually found the ultimate solution for my hair loss only at Advanced Hair Studio. The procedure recommended by Advanced Hair Studio gave me a head full of hair and helped increase my confidence. Advanced Hair Studio has the best and advanced technology. This has been brilliant experience for me and my family and friends who are very happy for me. Needless to say that nowadays I look at the mirror more often.
English Cricketer
To most people looking at me they wouldn’t have even noticed my hair was thinning, but I noticed every time I looked in a mirror especially when my hair was wet. I decided to catch it early so I could keep my appearance, I can’t believe how strand by strand has brought back happiness to looking in the mirror, I feel and look 10 years younger . I can’t thank you enough.
Former Miss England
"My life is very busy as I am a full-time mother and wife but at the same time, I have my own career that's why my hair was always an important part of my look. When I realized that my hair was losing its volume, I got very concerned and decided to do something about it. So, I went to Advanced Hair Studio and they advised me Advanced Laser Therapy to stop hair loss and improve texture of my hair then I had Flashpoints done that gave me length and more volume to my hair. The results are just fantastic!"
English Cricket Legend
I did something about it. And if you also like to, it’s easy! The gradual procedures of Advanced Hair Studio can replace your hair STRAND-by-STRAND® over a period of months so no-one will even notice. What was particularly important in my case was that I could still play cricket, swim and run, and I can without any problems. That’s because STRAND-by-STRAND® translates as freedom. So here I am, with my new hair, looking as I did 10 years or more ago. I just wish it could have given me another 10 years of Test cricket.
Eight times World Kickboxing Champion
It doesn’t how fit or healthy you are, hair loss can still occur. So, when my hair started receding, I went straight to Advanced Hair Studio and they had the solution. Don’t waste time worrying about hair loss, get a kick out of life.
Australian Racing Car Champion
Appearance is important to us all, professionally and personally. When I started to thin I knew I needed to do something and quickly, and Advanced Hair Studio made it easy. Once I understood what could be achieved and the process, I had no doubts. I am delighted with the results which have been achieved so quickly.
Indian Cricket Legend
I chose Advanced Hair Studio because it is professional. Shane Warne spoke a lot about it and some of the India cricket players are being helped by Advanced Hair Studio, that’s why I am here. With time and with the pressure of captaincy my hair receded, and Advanced Hair Studio has been kind enough to address it at an early stage, so I can have a head full of hair for the rest of my life!