Age is just a number!

At Advanced Hair Studio the past 5 decades has taught us this. Happiness is never restricted by age. Be who you wish to be and if looking better makes you happy then rest assured Advanced Hair Studio is the place that will make that happen for you.
Talk to our experts and see how we can be of help. As our motto goes - A head full of hair to all.
Hair Removal
And finally, our latest blogs
What is The Best Age For Hair Transplant?
What is The Best Age For Hair Transplant?
Various physical features can affect your looks. Hair is one such feature that is known to have a profound impact on a person’s overall appearance, and can also affect one’s self-confidence.
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The Rising Prevalence of Genetic Hair Loss in Adolescents
This morning, I met with Ms. B, a 16-year-old girl who stepped into our clinic with evident signs of genetic hair loss. As I examined her, I couldn't help but notice the palpable anxiety in her eyes.
The Rising  Prevalence of Genetic Hair Loss in Adolescents
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